Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ninja Saga Thanksgiving Pet : Hiragi The Turkey

2nd Skill Lv 5 : First Crows

3rd Skill Lv 10 : Poem of Blossom

4th Skill Lv 15 : Poem of Bird

5th Skill Lv 20 : Poem of Wind

6th Skill Lv 30 : Poem of Moon

You can get Hiragi by do any official payment in Thanksgiving periode, not include earn saga token!

List of Jutsu:

-1st skill Lv1 : Basic Pet Attack
-2nd Skill Lv 5 : First Crows: Sing to wake up his master, is the master was sleeping
-3rd Skill Lv 10 : Poem of Blossom : 75% inflict sleep to enemy for 2 turns
-4th Skill Lv 15 : Poem of Bird : Increase all master damage by 3% for 3 turns
-5th Skill Lv 20 : Poem of Wind : Decrease enemy's critical, dodge, purify, combustion, and reactive force by 4% for 3 turns
-6th Skill Lv 30 : Poem of Moon : Increase Master critical, dodge, combustion, purify, and reactive force by 4% for 3 turns

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