Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ninja Saga Christmast 2010 World Boss Gingerbrat

Gingerbrat has high attack point and agility. This picture above is one of his attack "GingerDash" which will cause damage 250 - 600 points. Because his level is 60, you better recruit friends if your level below 60 to fight him. If not you will get problem to defeat him.

You better a premium user if you want to fight him alone. Ninja with Eye of Mirror and Hidden Silhoutte will easier to defeat him. Use Hellfire, Prison Colding Wave, and Mirror of Passions to rapid decrease his HP. You will need refresh and bring scroll to regain your HP.


Lv 60 World Boss ( Christmast 2010 )
HP 30000
Exp Bonus 1000
Gold Bonus 1000
Drops Christmast Weapon and Lv 1, 2, 3, 4 magatamas.

Ninja Saga Christmast Mission 2010 : The Blackmith's Painting

Ninja Saga Christmast Mission 2010 : The Elf

 Another Christmas mission, The Elfs. This mission is easier than Ninja Claus, because you just need to defeat three little elfs that not so strong. Defeat all the three elfs and the mission is success, you will got two pinecone after finish this mission.

Ninja Saga Christmast Mission 2010 : Ninja Claus

This is one of the Christmas Mission 2010, The Ninja Claus. The mission isn't so hard, you just need to defeat the ninja that wear Santa Claus costume. But their attack quit high because their level is 60.

Ninja Saga Christmast Festival 2010

Christmast has come, Ninja Saga released new Chistmast Festival. There is new reward such as new clothes, weapon, and New World Boss Gingerbrat. Collect your pinecone and get your Christmast Reward!

Ninja Saga Kojima Series Final Battle

In this mission you will fight Kojima itself and two of his Summons Creatures, Rage Bear and Steel Rhino. It quit difficult even you recruits two Emblem User Friends!

Bring your best jutsu, and your strongest pet, to defeat them. Be sure you focus to defeat Kojima first because he the strongest of them. Stun and restrict them, its better if you got Eye of Mirror and Silhoutte, carefully by Kojima attack because can deal large attack.

Ninja Saga New Missions Kojima Series

Here is the new mission Kojima The Series, which stories about Kojima that control dead puppet in Chunin Exam.
It consist two series, first The Begining and the other was Final Battle at Orochi Temple.

We just need to defeat 3 undead puppet, which HP about 1700 each puppet. You better recruit strong member. You better don't fight them alone.